
Devising Effective Strategies for Post-Implementation Success

Written by Drivestream Staff | 6/15/23 7:11 PM

In the dynamic world of digital transformation, the journey is often perceived as a sprint to the finish line, where the finish line is the successful implementation of a new system. However, those who have embarked on this journey know that crossing the finish line is not the end but rather the beginning of a new phase. This phase, known as the post-implementation phase, is often overlooked in the excitement of going live with a new system. Yet, it is a critical stage that can determine the success or failure of the entire project.

This article provides a comprehensive exploration of the post-implementation landscape. It aims to shed light on this often underappreciated phase, highlighting its importance in the overall digital transformation journey. Drawing from a wealth of experience and past implementations, the article shares valuable insights and lessons learned. It delves into the challenges that organizations may face during this phase, the key concepts that underpin post-implementation success, and the strategies that can help organizations navigate this phase effectively. Whether you're a seasoned IT professional or a business leader embarking on a digital transformation journey, this article offers a roadmap to guide you through the post-implementation process.

Understanding the Post-Implementation Landscape

The post-implementation phase is a critical juncture in any digital transformation journey. Once software implementation of a system goes live, the operational environment undergoes a significant shift. This shift can be likened to moving into a new house. The construction phase, filled with planning, building, and anticipation, is over. But now, the real work begins - you need to live in it, maintain it, and fix any issues that arise. This transition from building to living can be challenging, filled with unexpected surprises and learning opportunities.

Cloud-managed services play a crucial role in this phase. They act as your new digital 'home's caretakers, ensuring its efficiency and effectiveness. Just as a caretaker would handle the day-to-day maintenance of a house, cloud-managed services take care of the routine tasks associated with maintaining and optimizing a digital system. They ensure that the new software system is running smoothly, that it's secure, and that it's able to adapt to the changing needs of the business.

For instance, cloud-managed services can help manage data storage, ensuring that your system has the capacity to handle your data needs without becoming overloaded. They can also manage network accessibility, ensuring that all users can access the system when they need to, from wherever they are. This is akin to ensuring that all the doors and windows in a house can be opened and closed easily and that the house is accessible to all its residents.

In addition, cloud-managed services handle security protocols, protecting your system from threats and ensuring your data is safe. This is similar to installing and maintaining a security system in a house to protect it from burglars. By handling these tasks, cloud-managed services free your internal team to focus on core business tasks rather than getting bogged down in routine systems maintenance. This allows your team to focus on leveraging the new system to drive business growth and innovation.

Insights from Past Implementations

Past implementations serve as a rich source of knowledge and learning. Each implementation comes with its unique challenges and successes, and studying these successes can provide invaluable insights for future projects. For instance, a company that has successfully transitioned to a new HCM system can provide lessons on effective change management, user training, and system optimization. These lessons can then be applied to future implementations, increasing their chances of success.

The Importance of Support Work Post-Implementation

One key insight that emerges from studying past implementations of new software implementation is the importance of support work post-implementation. When a new system is implemented, it's not uncommon for clients to face challenges in using the new software. These challenges can range from minor technical glitches, such as a feature not working as expected, to major operational issues, such as the new system not integrating well with existing processes. For example, an HR team might struggle to use a new HCM system if it doesn't integrate well with its existing processes. This can lead to reduced productivity and frustration among the team members.

Case Study: Retail Company's Inventory Management System

Consider the example of a retail company that implemented a new inventory management system. Post-implementation, the company struggled with integrating the new software system with its existing ERP platforms. This led to issues such as inaccurate inventory counts and difficulties in tracking sales. The company had to invest additional time and resources to resolve these issues, which could have been avoided with better post-implementation support.

Devising Effective Strategies for Success

Understanding these challenges can help in devising effective strategies for success. For the project managers, for instance, providing comprehensive training to users can help them understand the new system and how it integrates with existing processes. Additionally, having a dedicated support team in place post-implementation can help address any issues that arise, ensuring a smoother transition to the new system. By learning from past implementations, companies can better prepare for future projects, increasing their chances of success and reducing the likelihood of post-implementation issues.

Key Concepts for Post-Implementation Success

Post-implementation success hinges on several key concepts

Redeeming the Value of the Cloud: The cloud offers numerous benefits, from cost savings to increased flexibility. However, these benefits can only be realized with proper management and optimization. For instance, cloud analytics can help you understand usage patterns and optimize resources accordingly.

System Adoption and User Engagement: A new system is only as good as its users. Ensuring user engagement and system adoption is crucial. This could involve training sessions, user-friendly interfaces, and ongoing support to help users adapt to the new system.

Preparation for Critical, Infrequent Business Events: Certain business events, such as financial year-end closing or high-volume sales periods, can put a strain on the new system. Preparing for these events can prevent system overload and ensure smooth operations.

Addressing Problems Carried Over from the Implementation Stage: Some issues might not surface during the implementation stage but could become apparent post-implementation. Identifying and addressing these problems early can prevent future complications.

The Role of Hypercare in Post-Implementation

Hypercare is a critical component of the post-implementation phase. It involves intensive support and quick response to issues and crises, ensuring the smooth operation of the new service or system. For example, if a newly implemented e-commerce platform crashes during a high-traffic sales event, a hypercare team would be on standby to quickly resolve the issue and minimize downtime.

Frequently Asked Questions

Many organizations have questions about maintaining a production system post-implementation. Here are some common queries:

How many people are needed for system maintenance? This depends on the complexity and scale of the system. A small business might only need one or two IT professionals, while a large corporation could require a whole team.

What type of skillset is required for system maintenance? The required skills can vary based on the system. However, common skills include knowledge of cloud computing, data management, cybersecurity, and the specific software used in the system.

What is the role of hypercare in system maintenance? Hypercare provides intensive, immediate support post-implementation. It helps resolve issues quickly and ensures the system operates smoothly during the critical early stages.

What are the common challenges faced during the post-implementation phase? Challenges can range from technical issues, such as software bugs and integration problems, to human factors, such as resistance to change or lack of adequate training.

How long does the post-implementation phase typically last? The duration can vary widely depending on the complexity of the system and the organization's readiness. It can range from a few weeks to several months.

How can we measure the success of the post-implementation phase? Success can be measured in various ways, including system performance, user satisfaction, achievement of projected benefits, and the number and severity of issues encountered.

What resources are available to help with the post-implementation phase? Resources can include internal IT teams, external consultants, software vendor support, and online resources such as forums and knowledge bases.

How can we ensure user adoption during the post-implementation phase? Strategies can include providing comprehensive training, offering ongoing support, and soliciting user feedback to make necessary adjustments.

What is the importance of data migration during the post-implementation phase? Proper data migration is crucial to ensure that all necessary data is accurately and securely transferred to the new system and is accessible and usable for business operations.

How can we prepare for the post-implementation phase during the planning and implementation stages? Preparation can include setting clear expectations, planning for necessary resources and support, and developing a detailed post-implementation plan that includes tasks, responsibilities, and timelines.


Navigating the post-implementation phase requires a clear understanding of the landscape, insights from past technology implementations, and knowledge of key concepts for success. With the right strategies and the support of hypercare, organizations can effectively manage the post-implementation phase and reap the full benefits of their digital transformation journey.

Consider the case of a global manufacturing company that recently transitioned its existing systems to a cloud-based ERP system. The implementation phase was successful, but the real challenge began post-implementation. The company faced issues with system adoption, as employees and customers were accustomed to the old system. However, with a robust post-implementation strategy, they conducted extensive training sessions, provided ongoing support, and used hypercare services to address immediate issues. Over time, system adoption improved, and the company began to see the projected benefits of the new system.

Remember, the journey doesn't end with implementation. It's just the beginning of a new operational environment where the real value of the transformation project is realized. Prepare, equip, and navigate with confidence. And when in doubt, remember the four key concepts: redeem the value of the cloud, ensure system adoption and user engagement, create both, prepare for critical business events, and address problems from the implementation stage.

If you are interested in learning more about Pre-implementation, Implementation and Post-Implementation, then consider accessing our free online Master Class: Migrating to Oracle Cloud Applications.

Please get in touch with me to discuss our Oracle Cloud implementation needs.